
Rhythm is the time-based aspect of music. How time is organized in music gives it its rhythm. The fundemental unit of rhythm is the beat. The beat is the pulse of music. One beat is spaced from the next by an evenly spaced unit of time. How much time it takes to get from one beat to the next is determined by the tempo, which sets the speed or pace of music. Tempo is measured by beats per minute, abbreviated as bpm. For instance, a clock ticks at 60 bpm, since there are 60 seconds in one minute. The tempo of music is usually between 40 and 200 bpm.

Rhythmic Noteheads

Rhythmic noteheads represent beat values in music notation. They are place on the staff to represent a pitch as well as a beat value. Depending on the peice of music one of these noteheads will represent the beat.


Unlike noteheads which tell how long a pitch should be played rests tell how long there should be silence.

The Dot

Adding a dot to a notehead or rest lenghtens the beat value to one and a half of what it was previously.


For consecutive eight notes, sixteinth notes, and smaller denominations such as thirtysecond notes beams are usually used instead of flags for the duration of one beat.

Combination Beams

Eightnote, Sixtienth note, and higher denomination beams can be used in combinations, also spanning the duration of one beat.